PyBeaconValidator: a project idea

Sun 16 July 2023 by Gioacchino Castorio

I have recently completed a one-week course on advanced Python programming, and wanted to make something useful with the newly acquired knowledge to simplify the management of my wireless laboratory.

I created the first iteration of PyBeaconValidator, a CLI program that can parse monitor mode packet captures, select the Beacon management frames, extract the content of their Information Elements, and match them with the configuration specified on the Cisco Meraki Dashboard. The program allows to validate if the AP is operating as per its configuration without opening the Dashboard webpage. This is very helpful in my laboratory when conducting experiments as the APs may not fetch new configurations due to the lack of Internet reachability or otherwise operate incorrectly due to a defect. As a side-effect, the program could also confirm if the Beacons are being spoofed.

The readers can find the GitHub repository at this link. The project is at a very early stage, but it already has all the components that will be used for the "usable" version. The program is released as a Free/Libre Software with a GNU GPLv3 software license.


PyBeaconValidator heavily relies on the Cisco Meraki API to access the APs' configuration on the Dashboard. Having access to a working Dashboard, administrators can enable the API access under Organization > Settings > Dashboard API access by selecting the tickbox. After enabling the API, an API key (i.e. an access token) can be created under My Profile. More information can be found at this link.

The user needs to have the following dependencies installed from PyPI: - The dashboard-api-python by Cisco Meraki, which provides all the current Dashboard API endpoints. - pypacker a very slim low-level packet manipulation library for Python.

The program requires the use of Python 3.11 (or superior) to work correctly, and I encourage using a virtual environment, such as pipenv (used for the project) or poetry for better handling of the dependencies. The install procedure looks like the following:

cd <PATH-TO-PROJECT>/pybeaconvalidator
pipenv --python '3.11' # create pipenv environement
pipenv install meraki
sudo apt install python3.11-dev
pipenv install pypacker netifaces
pipenv shell # enable pipenv environment

I am developing the tool on a Trisquel GNU/Linux-libre machine (x86_64). I intend to test the tool on Apple macOS down the line and, potentially, adapt it to Microsoft Windows.

High-level Program Workflow

The idea behind the project is pretty simple, so I wanted the user workflow to be simple as well.

The user needs to know their API key as described previously, and it should specified in the program shell environment as follows:

export MERAKI_DASHBOARD_API_KEY=<your-api-key>

PyBeaconValidator also assumes the user captured a monitor mode packet capture to be analysed in .pcap format, for instance, taken on a MacBook using the wireless sniffer tool. I decided not to integrate the capture function into the program as it would increase the complexity, and often the wireless network card of the host machine would not be able to take monitor mode pcaps anyway.

Once the above is cleared, PyBeaconValidator executes the following steps:

  1. The program reads the Cisco Meraki Network ID from the program arguments; the same is done to the path to the capture file.
  2. The program retrieves the details of the APs in the wireless network, such as the name, serial number, model, MAC address, and tags.
  3. The program retrieves the BSSID data for each AP. The information will be matched with the Transmitter Address (TA) of the Beacons so that the program can identify which unit is broadcasting the frame.
  4. The program retrieves the configuration for all the SSIDs in the network. The Cisco Meraki Dashboard allows configuring up to 15 SSIDs at the time of this post.
  5. The program parses the packet capture, filtering the Beacon management frames only and extracting their information, such as the TA, the channel (from the RadioTap header), the SSID name, and the Supported Rates Information Element (IE). I extracted only the IEs I need at the moment, but more might be added in the future; feel free to contribute on GitHub.
  6. The program creates a list of pairs for each network configuration containing the expected value as configured on Dashboard and the actual value advertised in the beacon frames in the packet capture.
  7. If there is a mismatch between the expected and the actual value, the program alerts the user with a warning on the screen.

The sequence diagram below shows the high-level workflow described previously:

PyBeaconValidator sequence diagram

Exemple of execution

The User Interface of PyBeaconValidator in this first iteration is still fairly minimal; however, it allows to execute test runs for debugging quite easily with minimal user interaction as the commands can be issued automatically by programming editors such as VSCodium or Vim. You can run the program from the shell as follows:

PyBeaconValidator command

In the current implementation, the output is silent if there is no mismatch. I created an "artificial" mismatch by blocking the traffic from the APs to the Cisco Meraki Cloud using a firewall and then changing the minimum (basic) bitrate configuration. As shown in the screenshot below, the program displays a WARNING log for the mismatch containing the timestamp (ts) of the beacon in the file, the Serial Number (sn) of the AP in question, the BSSID and the expected vs. actual (seen) values for the bitrate:

Minimum bitrate mismatch warning

Frame processing insights

I selected pypacker as the capture parser, among other alternatives, as it seems to be the fastest library available at the moment. I gave a go to pyshark, which is a Python wrapper for tshark, but it was unbearably slow even for small captures.

The following code snippet shows how the beacons are extracted from the capture file in the program when using Pypacker:

from pypacker import ppcap
from pypacker.layer12 import radiotap, ieee80211


beacons = list()
with ppcap.Reader(capture_file_path) as capture_reader:
    for ts_ns, buf in capture_reader:

        # all the frames in the .pcap file are incapsulated into Radiotab
        frame = radiotap.Radiotap(buf)

        # decapsulate the Radiotap, IEEE802.11 header and the Beacon payload
        radiotap_header, dot11_header, beacon_payload = frame[None, 

        # the frame is not a Beacon, the payload is None
        if beacon_payload is None:
            continue # skip frame and go to the next one

        # extract all required the fields from the Beacon frame
        beacon_frame = _process_pypacker_frame_headers(radiotap_header,
                                                       beacon_header, ts_ns)

Despite the conceptual simplicity of Pypacker's programming interface, it offloads much of the responsibility of parsing the raw byte content of the IEs to the programmer. This behaviour gives more freedom to the programmer, but it increases the difficulty in analysing the most common IE, such as the Supported Rates. As you can see in the snippet below, the computation required on the byte octets in the IE (each one refers to one of the supported rates):

supported_rates_ie = beacon_header.params[1]
for b in supported_rates_ie.body_bytes:

    # check if the bitrate value refers to a BASIC bitrate by checking the
    # first bit of the octect e.g. 1000 0000 --> Basic Bitrate
    is_mandatory = bool(b >> 7)

    # compute bitrate in Mbps by multiplying octect
    # remove if 1st bit in case of mandatory bitrate
    # bitrate = (octect * 500 kbps) // 1000
    bitrate = ((b - (1 << 7)) if is_mandatory else b) // 2

Frame processing insights

This project is still at a very early stage, and I plan to add more and more features over time. It is an excellent opportunity to get hands-on experience with frame processing and learn more about network automation in Python. PyBeaconValidator is freely available on GitHub, so the readers can download the source code, study it, modify and redistribute their copies.


  • “Meraki Dashboard API Python Library”, Cisco Meraki, GitHub, Accessed 16 July 2023.

  • “pypacker”, Michael Stahn, GitLab, Accessed 16 July 2023.